Fire Extinguisher Service Edinburgh, fire extinguisher service west Lothian, fire extinguisher service Midlothian and fire extinguisher service east Lothian
Fire Extinguisher Service Edinburgh Fire extinguisher service east Lothian company Fire Extinguisher service midlothian fire extinguisher company west lothian

Are you looking for a fire extinguisher company to service your existing fire extinguishers or perhaps commission your new ones ?
If so, we would be delighted to have your business - Contact us to today to arrange a *fixed price fire extinguisher service and we'll do the rest.
Phone (0131) 561 9603 for a Local Fire Extinguisher Service Engineer near you.
Reduce your annual fire extinguisher maintenance bills with Fire Scotland's fixed price British Standard 5306 Service
FireWhat's included in the fixed price service?
*Portable Fire Extinguishers Fully Serviced & Maintained to British Standard 5306 by our FETA qualified Fire Extinguisher Engineer.
*Included - All annual servicing small parts and tests i.e. labels, pins, dots, tags, seals, weight recording, gauge pressure testing etc.
*Included - 5 yearly extended service of all water, foam, and powder Fire Extinguishers.
* CO2 10 yearly hydrostatic test is NOT included.
Annual fire extinguisher servicing contract East Lothian covers Fire extinguisher service Midlothian, Fire extinguisher service Edinburgh, Fire extinguisher service East Lothian, Fife, West Lothian and the Scottish Borders.
Fire Extinguishers Service Edinburgh. require a company or fire extinguisher servicing engineer in Edinburgh to carry out fire extinguisher maintenance in Edinburgh.
Fire Extinguishers Service East Lothian. require a company or fire extinguisher servicing engineer in East carry out fire extinguisher maintenance in East Lothian
Fire Extinguishers Service West Lothian. require a company or fire extinguisher servicing engineer in West carry out fire extinguisher maintenance in West Lothian
Fire Extinguishers Service Midlothian. require a company or fire extinguisher servicing engineer in carry out fire extinguisher maintenance in Midlothian
Fire Extinguishers Service Fife. require a company or fire extinguisher servicing engineer in Fife to carry out fire extinguisher maintenance in Fife.