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Staff Fire Safety Training for Hotels Edinburgh Scotland Glasgow Fife
Fire safety training in edinburgh hotels
Fire safety training in fife hotel
Fire safety training hotel Scotland
Fire training in edinburgh for hotels band b's
Fire training in fife hotels
Fire training hotel Scotland

Hotel Fire Safety Training for Staff
in Edinburgh, Scotland, Duration 1 hour 30 min
Location Your Premises
Facilities A quiet room is required with an electrical power socket. All course material is provided.
Dates Contact us for availability
Times Morning or afternoon
Cost £290 (for up to 8 members of staff) i.e. per session
Award A Certificate is awarded - Fire Safety Training for Hotels
Contact or 0131 561 9603
Hotel Fire Safety Training covers 5 modules :
Introduction to: Fire risks and typical causes of fire within Hotels. Individual roles and responsibilities to guests and colleagues Raising an alarm and evacuation processes.
Fire prevention: A closer look at fire risks within Hotels. The importance of staff understanding their responsibilities and how reducing fire risk should be part of their normal day-to-day activities. Examine specific roles and duties that staff should undertake in the event of a fire alarm. The importance of Fire signage, unobstructed corridors, stairwells and fire escapes. Fire containment, fire doors and smoke risk.
Fire Extinguishers: Fire blanket operation. Types of Fire extinguisher and their uses within Hotels. Dangers of using the wrong extinguisher. Operation of a fire extinguisher.
Hotel Fire Alarm Evacuation: Roles and responsibilities for staff Fire Coordinators and Fire Investigation teams. Key actions that should be taken by Departmental and Office Managers, Supervisors of Leisure Centres & Kitchens. Emergency and evacuation procedures.
Hot Oil Fires in Kitchens: The significant hazards associated with the high temperatures that hot oil and deep fat fryer fires can achieve. The dangers and ineffectiveness of using traditional extinguishers to tackle this type of fire. An Introduction to and operation of the latest Wet Chemical extinguishers designed to tackle this type of fire.
Questions Time: Answers to frequently asked questions are covered at the end of the training session. Alternatively, - Question papers can be handed out to students as they arrive and to complete at the end as a control measure to ensure participants have absorbed the course material. This can be arranged through prior arrangement.
********* Add On - Practical Fire Extinguisher Course **********
for only £100 extra - (max 8 students)
Live fire extinguisher practical training can be added to the Hotel course for a maximum of 10 staff for only £80. Allow an extra 30 minutes to complete this component. It is usual that only management, fire marshals and the fire wardens that would wait back from the first part to have this additional part of the course - wear practical clothing.
A 5m x 5m external space is required at your premises to operate the fire extinguishers on the live fire training rig - about 3 car parking spaces in size. Hands-on fire extinguisher training on a Live fire - Class A, Electrical Ignitions and Class F will be carried out for participants. Certificates of attendance for staff are produced on the successful completion of the course.
The Environment
The propane gas environmental friendly fire training rig leaves no residue mess and
produces no smoke. We support ISO 14001.

Your Company FRA - £220

From £9.00 per person

From £20 per person

on 'Live Fire' from £32 per person

£5.50 per extinguisher

From £28